Zircon, the manufacturer of the original stud finder and category creator, is on a mission to re-imagine one of the most popular tools sold in hardware stores. Few brands have captured and…
Providing Pharmaceutical Processing Flexibility in Batch Control
Pharmaceutical processing is typically handled in a “batch” system, consisting of step-by-step procedures for manufacturing products. Each step must be complete for the next to commence, and once one “batch” is completed,…
Motor Vehicle Waste Disposal Wells: Achieving EPA Compliance with Automated Wastewater Treatment
Automated wastewater treatment systems help motor vehicle service industries remain in compliance with EPA and local standards, while significantly reducing the cost of treatment, labor and disposal Automotive service stations, auto body…
Window Soundproofing Boosts Desirability For Downtown Luxury Apartment Complex
Adding a second soundproof window can quiet loud external noise intrusion by up to 95%, which can raise lease and occupancy rates while reducing turnover Commercial and residential property owners, managers, and…
Snow Removal: Do More With Less
Innovations in snow removal equipment is enabling a leading New England company to clear more snow with significantly less equipment, labor, maintenance, and repair According to Degen Kelly, Director of Operations at…
Tunable Lasers Achieve Black Box Status
For cutting-edge products that require pulse-based tunable lasers, the OPO has developed into a plug-and-play device that can be easily integrated into larger systems. Cutting-edge commercial products often originate within the academic…
Proper Packing of Bagged Silage for Best Results
For bagged silage, expert forage consultants in the dairy and cattle industry see benefits that can only be maximized through well executed feed management – specifically the proper placement and packing of…
Earth Anchors Keep Solar Arrays Grounded
Solar array ground mounts, designed to support solar panels at ground level, are increasingly common in residential and commercial settings. However, these solar arrays, which consist of metal frames or structures, must…
Peak Travel Season Preparation: Hotels Look to Generate Referrals, Not Complaints
Up to 95% of external hotel noise can be eliminated by using cost-effective soundproofing solutions that do not require major renovation With peak travel season approaching for hotels, motels and inns, noise…
Earth Anchors Keep Farm Structures Grounded
To provide protection and flexibility for seasonal needs, the agricultural sector relies on storage buildings for equipment, livestock shelters, and temporary crop storage. Farmers often use storage buildings such as sheds or…